Saturday, August 16, 2008

8 Limbs of Yoga

Yoga is the practice or training of physical poses and mind to achieve inner goal.

Yoga originally comes from ancient India. The word "yoga" mean "union" in Sanskrit so the main objective of practicing is to union the body, mind and spirit together.

8 Limbs of Yoga

1. Yama

Yama are broken down into five wise characteristics which is Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigraha that tell us about fundamental of nature such as compassionate, generous, honest and peaceful.

2. Niyama

Niyama are associated with attitude toward ourself which are broken down into Sauca, Santosa, Tapas, Svadhyaya and Isvarapranidhana.

3. Asana

Asana are associated with the practice of body position to improve your body flexibility and vitality including ability to do seated meditation for extended periods.

4. Pranayama

Practice of breathing techniques and control the energy (prana) that flow within your body. After practicing pranayama for a while you will notice that you will have a calm mind. Your respiratory and nervous system will be strengthen.

5. Pratyahara

This training associated with the control of the senses. The objective of this training is to withdraw the senses from attachment to external objects.

6. Dharana

Dharana focus on concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness allowing no inner or outside distractions.

7. Dhyana

Based primary on meditation. Dhyana teaches true understanding of mind, object and difference between all the levels of evolution of nature.

8. Samadhi

This is the final step that union with the divine. After mastering Samadhi one can goes beyond consciousness and realize an identity without any differences.

: article by Jane Roltern [ Learn the eight limbs of yoga
( ) in detail at including informations on how to choose the right yoga mats ( ) and yoga poses ( ) at ]