Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to Design Yoga Sets from Yoga Poses

At the heart of personal yoga practice, regardless of whether it is Hatha Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, lies yoga sets. The building block for these sets are, of course yoga poses and exercises, and how to put them together in order to design effective sets and routines is a key aspect of yoga as well. In this article I would like to give you six important guidelines on how to construct these sets.

6 Guidelines for Designing Kundalini & Hatha Yoga Sets:

1. Who Should Design Yoga Sets:

Do not try to design a set if you are just beginning yoga practice. Attend some classes first and develop your personal practice before tying to design your own routines and sets. The last thing you want to do is practice yoga and create more injuries and imbalances for yourself.

2. Yoga Sets Should be Balanced:

This is one of the most important aspects of a yoga set. By balance here I mean that the poses that twist and stretch you one way, should at some point be balanced with poses that twist and stretch you the other way. Similarly, you should design sets that stretch both arms, both legs, etc, equally if possible. In addition, rotations done in one direction should be followed by rotations done in the other direction.

So if in your set you have a backward bending yoga posture, then at some point it is wise to have a forward bending yoga pose as well. As an example, if you employ Cobra Pose early in your set, you can balance it with the Forward Bending Pose sometime later. This will ensure that you don't end up creating sets after which you feel out of balance and un-centered.

3. Chakras Work Should Be Done Low to High:

In general the rule to follow, especially for Kundalini Yoga Kriyas, is to start working on the lower chakras first and then move up towards the higher chakras. So you would tend to do an exercise like Crow Pose, which works on the Root Chakra, early in the set and do Stretch Pose, which works on the Navel Chakra, sometime after that. This helps to sequentially increase the vibration of the energy higher and higher.

4. Yoga Breathing Guidelines:

For most exercises and postures a corresponding breath is indicated. In most cases, there are several options available that allow you to breathe at a level which is comfortable for you. So advanced practitioners might do Breath of Fire, while a beginner might do Long Deep Breathing with a particular pose.

One rule with yoga breathing though, is that generally you should inhale when expanding the chest and abdominal region and exhale during the movement which contracts these regions. This allows for maximum benefit from the movements and exercises.

5. Rest Periods:

It is wise to design specific rest periods within a set. The one important aspect though of rest, which should be included in every Kundalini Yoga kriya, is a period of relaxation at the end of the kriya.

This relaxation time is critical to allow the body to assimilate all the energy that has been awakened by the yoga exercises. It is during this time, the body heals, grows and nourishes itself.

6. Warm-Ups:

If your set consists mostly of difficult yoga poses and exercises only, make sure you do a warm-up set first before jumping into advanced postures. If you plan to do your set only, then ensure that it first starts off with simple yoga postures and movements, so that you are properly warmed up, then moves on to the more challenging exercises. Warm-ups and not overdoing it are your best defenses against injury.

Summary of Making Your Own Yoga Sets:

The sciences of Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, etc, are tools to help you in your own unique path to spiritual awakening. Designing your own Yoga Sets, to help you overcome your personal challenges, I think is a valuable skill to learn. I hope the guidelines above help you maximize the benefits from your personal yoga practice.

: article by Anmol Mehta [ Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation expert. For Free Online Yoga & Meditation Classes ( ) visit, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques ( ) or Chakra Kundalini Yoga Blog ( ). ]

Monday, September 1, 2008

Basic Yoga - What Everyone Needs To Know Now

Basic yoga is very simple to learn. There is no exercise equipment required. You jut need to spend roughly 30 minutes at the most completing all the necessary movements. All that you really need is a yoga mat and some extra space and unless you have issues of mobility, you can begin immediately. It is no secret that the human body is a highly resilient and astonishing piece of machinery. It has the ability to do things that can literally astonish us.

There are things that are bodies can do that we are not even aware of. Yoga is a great case in point. Odds are, if you have ever noticed pictures of asanas or poses for yoga, you have witnessed the practitioners of yoga accomplish things that in normal cases, you would not believe possible, yet there they are doing it.

The odds are, you have the ability to accomplish these things as well, only not immediately. Attempting any one of the advanced asanas if you have before done any conditioning can end up in severe injury. The appropriate as well as persistent practice of primary techniques of yoga is essential so that you can make these types of advanced movements achievable.

Over the 5,000 years that yoga has been in existence there is said to be in excess of 8,400,000 asanas or positions of yoga that were compiled by the masters of yoga. For the majority of novices of yoga, substantially less are needed to get started. The amount of primary yoga asans that are recommended by instructors differs yet typically there are a little more than 12 primary movements of yoga positions that are trained to beginners.

Even if a person is not so inclined to have the ability to execute the more advanced and complex types of asanas, there are numerous benefits to practicing basic yoga exercises, regardless of the school of thought you may choose to follow. The initial and most clear benefits are that of improved flexibility, balance and strength.

One of the less obvious benefits of practicing yoga is that of an increased awareness of oneself as well as that of nature. Additionally, yoga has demonstrated to provide benefits to your health such a heightened internal functions of your organs, an increased immune system, reduction of the various symptoms of numerous types of diseases as well as numerous other types of benefits. All different kinds of yogas, which include basic yoga, assists in relaxation as well as lowering stress without any fatigue and too much exertion.

Yoga Body Movements

Basic yoga involves seven main types of movements while exercising that include flexion, rotation, circumduction, adduction, extension, as well as hyperextension. Various combinations of these kinds of body movements are utilized to make the yoga positions and stances. These movements are accompanied with breathing exercises as well as various levels of concentration.

A persons breathing is also the guide in basic yoga for arriving into an asanas, as well as coming out of it. All of the various movements are ideally completed in a graceful manner. To educate yourself on how to complete basic yoga, search for an instructor that is qualified or the next step would be to search for educational videos that might help you out.

: article by Korbin Newlyn [ Listen to Korbin Newlyn as he shares his insights as an expert author and an avid writer in the field of health. If you would like to learn more go to Yoga Exercises ( ) advice and at What Is Yoga ( ) tips. ]